T302X Loadcell


T302X Load cell is a hermetically sealed load bearing unit operating in compression to produce an analogue output which is proportional to the applied load. Construction is 100% stainless steel, natural finish.

T302X Load cell has a capacity of 23 Ton or 45 Ton.

Please refer to our product datasheet for a detailed list of model features. If you have any questions or require system integration, please contact us directly.


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Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 25 cm

T302X-23T, T302X-45T


4x50GΩ Surge arresters fitted internally to provide
protection against lightning damage.
Supplied ready-assembled with gaiters and load
buttons for simple installation.
Unlike other canister loadcells on the market today,
all T302X loadcells will be supplied as standard with
pre-greased top and bottom load buttons. This
helps protect the load cell from harsh environments
and helps to reduce load cell rotation.
Custom designed to obtain the optimum electrical
balance properties required for high accuracy
weighing applications in industrial environments.
Backward comparable – Being smaller means the
new T302X can be used to directly replace old T302
with the aid of a retrofit adaptor block to take up
the gap between the base location and the bottom
of the canister loadcell.
The T302X is also fully compatible with the 8701 for
both approved and non approved applications.
OIML R60 approved to 5000d and available in 22.5
tonne and 45 tonne capacities.
Fitted with 25 or 40 metre 4 wire 7 x 0.12mm core
cable that has an electrically, mechanically and
chemically tough polyurethane sheathed cable for
added protection.


• Weighing