Static Group Axle Weigher


The static group axle weigher Is designed to work in a static mode, the system works by a vehicle being driven onto the scale and then stopping with the first axle on pad, once the axle Is weighed the vehicle drives forward and stops with the next axle group on the pads.

This process Is repeated until all axle groups are weighed. The vehicle must be level before and after the scale. Tare weights can be stored as permanent weights and thus only one weighing Is required, resulting In reduced weighing time. 

Please refer to our product datasheet for a detailed list of model features. If you have any questions or require system integration, please contact us directly.


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Additional information

Weight 1000 kg
Dimensions 350 × 100 × 50 cm

G Axle Weigher Static


• Two platform Pads (3500x1000mm)
• One LS210 Indicator
• Fixed or semi mobile
• Low profile design
• Weighing data can be downloaded to PC
• Weighing Indicator can be operated with 220v or 12v DC
• Maximum Axle group capacity 30T
• Weighing incréments 10Kg
• Printing LS210 option available


• Static Axle Weighing